The home inspection industry in British Columbia has grown rapidly in the last 15 years, from fringe service, to mainstream acceptance. What is seldom explained to Buyers is that there a limits to what a home inspection can do.
Most home inspectors are “problem spotters” not “problem solvers or quantifiers”. Usually a home inspection will say “I think you have a roof issue” or “you may want to get the deck checked out”. Often new buyers will take this advice as something to look into AFTER purchase. This is often a mistake.
If a home inspector spots something, even if the home inspector does not think it is a critical issue, it is best to then look into it further by calling in a qualified expert. Therefore if there a roof issue, get a roofer in to look at the property, if there is a structural issue, get a structural engineer. A few dollars on spend investigating a home purchase is money well spent.
Buyers should also note that there are limits to the liability of home inspectors. Usually the contract you sign with the home inspector limits their liability to problems they can see without moving furniture, ceiling tiles ect….